If distribution patterns of males are puma latest shoes dictated by the strategy that maximizes the number of mating opportunities for the dominant males ( Sandell 1989 ), subordinates may be more focused on finding food and consequently have similar land-tenure strategies as females. In a study of jaguars in Belize, Rabinowitz and Nottingham (1986) found high overlap of males within an area of high overall population density sustained by abundant and easy-to-catch nine-banded armadillos ( Dasypus novemcinctus ). Although little was known about ranges of females, this pattern contrasts with the expectation that abundant prey would give rise to small, exclusive ranges for females and larger, exclusive ranges for males.
Here we analyze temporal and spatial interactions between a uniquely large sample of individuals to tackle 2 fundamental questions about the function of jaguar movements in resource exploitation: Does spatial overlap of ranges of males depend on hierarchies of residence? Are temporal interactions of jaguars with puma leather sneakers pumas distinguishable from conspecific interactions? These components of behavior were sampled more representatively than is possible with telemetry by using an array of more than 100 camera stations. Camera traps were placed on established and newly opened trails traversing the dense forest matrix.
These trails are the major corridors of travel puma lifestyle shoes for both jaguars and pumas, and individuals present within the immediate area of a camera are reliably caught on camera ( Harmsen 2006 ; Maffei et al. 2004 ; Rabinowitz and Nottingham 1986 ). Additional high-density camera arrays sampling small areas (10 km 2 ) on and off trails showed that off-trail photographs of jaguars were accompanied in 95% of the instances by on-trail photographs of the same individuals on the same day ( Harmsen 2006 ). We were therefore able to use the time interval between individual captures at a camera location as an index of presence in an area, with longer puma mexico intervals between recaptures of the same individual indicating that it had traveled farther away.
This format permitted testing interspecific interactions of jaguars with pumas in relation to intraspecific interactions among individual jaguars. Interaction can be interpreted from a frequency distribution through time that is more regular than random, indicating mutual avoidance, or more aggregated than random, indicating mutual attraction. This study represents the largest camera-trap data set for neotropical cats collected to date from 1 site. The study site overlaps almost entirely with that of Rabinowitz and Nottingham (1986) , allowing comparison between their telemetry data and our photographic data.
Jaguars were individually identified from photographic captures. Cameras had an enforced 3-min delay between exposures to prevent wasting film on herd-forming species such as peccaries. Each photograph was stamped with the time and date, allowing calculation of time intervals between consecutive captures at the same camera location. To ensure spatiotemporal independence, simultaneously running camera stations were separated by >2 km. Any jaguar or puma captured at 2 stations on a single day was recorded for analysis at only 1 of the stations, chosen at random. Minitab version 14 (Minitab Ltd., Coventry, United Kingdom) was used for all statistical analyses.
It was hypothesized that jaguars and pumas avoid (or attract) puma official site each other through time. A significant interaction effect would provide evidence of a longer (or shorter) interval between jaguar puma and puma jaguar captures than between jaguar jaguar and puma puma captures. No difference was expected in number of days between jaguar jaguar captures and puma puma captures (the main effects).If jaguars and pumas avoid each other, then it was expected that captures of each species would be clustered in time. A nonparametric runs test was used to compare the distribution of male-male capture intervals against a random
distribution, which is the expected outcome of negligible interaction.