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/* * Schnee-Script * @author Oliver Schlöbe <> * @example * @link * @since 111112 */ var schloebesnow = { no: 15, // Anzahl der Schneeflocken speed: 20, // "Schnei-Geschwindigkeit"; je kleiner die Zahl, um so schneller fallen die Flocken snowflake: "", // Bild der Schneeflocke, beliebig /*********************************/ /** Ab hier nichts mehr ändern! **/ /*********************************/ ns4up: (navigator.appName=="Netscape" && navigator.appVersion.charAt(0)=="4") ? 1 : 0, // Browser Tester ie4up: (document.all) ? 1 : 0, ns6up: (document.getElementById&&!document.all) ? 1 : 0, i: 0, dx: new Array(), xp: new Array(), yp: new Array(), am: new Array(), stx: new Array(), sty: new Array(), doc_width: 800, doc_height: 800, let_it_snow: function() { if( this.ns4up || this.ns6up ) { // Bildschirm-Auflösung holen, Netscape-Funktion this.doc_width = self.innerWidth; this.doc_height = self.innerHeight; } else if( this.ie4up ) { // Bildschirm-Auflösung holen, Internet Explorer-Funktion this.doc_width = document.body.clientWidth; this.doc_height = document.body.clientHeight; } this.doc_height = (this.doc_height==0) ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : this.doc_height; for( this.i = 0; this.i <; ++ this.i ) { this.dx[this.i] = 0; // Koordinaten-Variable setzen this.xp[this.i] = Math.random()*(this.doc_width-50); // Position-Variable setzen this.yp[this.i] = Math.random()*this.doc_height;[this.i] = Math.random()*20; // Amplituden-Variable setzten this.stx[this.i] = 0.02 + Math.random()/10; // Variable für Schrittweite setzen this.sty[this.i] = 0.7 + Math.random(); // Variable für Schrittweite setzen if( this.ns4up ) { if (this.i == 0) { document.write("<layer name=\"dot"+ this.i +"\" left=\"15\" "); document.write("top=\"15\" visibility=\"show\"><img src=\""); document.write(this.snowflake + "\" border=\"0\"></layer>"); } else { document.write("<layer name=\"dot"+ this.i +"\" left=\"15\" "); document.write("top=\"15\" visibility=\"show\"><img src=\""); document.write(this.snowflake + "\" border=\"0\"></layer>"); } } else if( this.ie4up || this.ns6up ) { if (this.i == 0) { document.write("<div id=\"dot"+ this.i +"\" style=\"position: "); document.write("absolute; z-index: "+ this.i +"; visibility: "); document.write("visible; top: 15px; left: 15px;\"><img src=\""); document.write(this.snowflake + "\" border=\"0\"></div>"); } else { document.write("<div id=\"dot"+ this.i +"\" style=\"position: "); document.write("absolute; z-index: "+ this.i +"; visibility: "); document.write("visible; top: 15px; left: 15px;\"><img src=\""); document.write(this.snowflake + "\" border=\"0\"></div>"); } } } if( this.ns4up ) { this.snowNS(); } else if( this.ie4up ) { this.snowIE(); }else if( this.ns6up ) { this.snowNS6(); } }, /* * Haupt-Animations-Funktion für Netscape */ snowNS: function() { for( this.i = 0; this.i <; ++ this.i ) { this.yp[this.i] += this.sty[this.i]; if( this.yp[this.i] > this.doc_height-50 ) { this.xp[this.i] = Math.random()*([this.i]-30); this.yp[this.i] = 0; this.stx[this.i] = 0.02 + Math.random()/10; this.sty[this.i] = 0.7 + Math.random(); this.doc_width = self.innerWidth; this.doc_height = self.innerHeight; this.doc_height = (this.doc_height==0) ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : this.doc_height; } this.dx[this.i] += this.stx[this.i]; document.layers["dot"+this.i].top = this.yp[this.i]; document.layers["dot"+this.i].left = this.xp[this.i] +[this.i]*Math.sin(this.dx[this.i]); } setTimeout("schloebesnow.snowNS()", this.speed); }, /* * Haupt-Animations-Funktion für Internet Explorer */ snowIE: function() { for( this.i = 0; this.i <; ++ this.i ) { this.yp[this.i] += this.sty[this.i]; if( this.yp[this.i] > this.doc_height-50 ) { this.xp[this.i] = Math.random()*([this.i]-30); this.yp[this.i] = 0; this.stx[this.i] = 0.02 + Math.random()/10; this.sty[this.i] = 0.7 + Math.random(); this.doc_width = document.body.clientWidth; this.doc_height = document.body.clientHeight; this.doc_height = (this.doc_height==0) ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : this.doc_height; } this.dx[this.i] += this.stx[this.i]; document.all["dot"+this.i].style.pixelTop = this.yp[this.i]; document.all["dot"+this.i].style.pixelLeft = this.xp[this.i] +[this.i]*Math.sin(this.dx[this.i]); } setTimeout("schloebesnow.snowIE()", this.speed); }, /* * Haupt-Animations-Funktion für Netscape6 und Mozilla */ snowNS6: function() { for( this.i = 0; this.i <; ++ this.i ) { this.yp[this.i] += this.sty[this.i]; if( this.yp[this.i] > this.doc_height-50 ) { this.xp[this.i] = Math.random()*([this.i]-30); this.yp[this.i] = 0; this.stx[this.i] = 0.02 + Math.random()/10; this.sty[this.i] = 0.7 + Math.random(); this.doc_width = self.innerWidth; this.doc_height = self.innerHeight; this.doc_height = (this.doc_height==0) ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : this.doc_height; } this.dx[this.i] += this.stx[this.i]; document.getElementById("dot"+this.i) = this.yp[this.i]+"px"; document.getElementById("dot"+this.i).style.left = this.xp[this.i] +[this.i]*Math.sin(this.dx[this.i])+"px"; } setTimeout("schloebesnow.snowNS6()", this.speed); } } schloebesnow.let_it_snow();

yeti colster

in Pfotenbuch 18.11.2019 04:56
von Maria Duncan | 3 Beiträge

Along with plastic yeti colster being a health hazard, many fake brands just filter the water and fill in it; meaning that bacteria and viruses that are harmful to the body still exists in the water. Most of these fake brands fill out clear water, which is again is easily undetectable from the branded bottled water. Since the bottles are not food grade and not recyclable, cunning people refill the water at railway stations and platforms, fooling the customers for petty money.

A number of malicious diseases such as typhoid, cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery and others are occurring because of the impure water. Most of the people have installed RO water purifiers in order to combat the problem but you cannot carry the customized yeti cups water purifiers everywhere.They know they just cannot take chance with the health of the people because water is a lifeline and the indispensable element on the earth without which there would be no life.

The supplier of the water containers 20 oz yeti ramblers should take care of the demand of the consumers. They keep on trying to increase their sales by increasing their bottle production. The price of the bottle water is also within the reach of the customer because it is an essential item. Properly dispose these bottles after the use to keep your environment clean.Water is an important resource ever since and without it, man would definitely cease to exist.

It has been noted, however, that in this day in yeti cup sizes age, there are concerns about water safety in the society as more and more problems regarding the environment have been reported because of the people misuse and abuse. A solution has been created to somehow help out with the paranoia of having to drink up unsafe water and perhaps even help you save up on purchasing gallons of bottled water in stores the Water Bottle Filter.

If you have made up your mind to invest in this gadget, then you would be open to a whole lot of possibilities for you in the market. Water bottle filters come in different shapes, sizes, prices, and efficiency. There one for every type of person depending on the taste, the need, and the budget. In the end, it won matter what the differences are, we sure that they are all yeti rambler bottle convenient and would guarantee safe water to drink. Sport Berkey Water Purifier is one of the water bottle filters out in the market today.

You would definitely see all the advantanges we have just discussed in this product from New Millennium Concepts.The ionic adsorption micro filtration system is what makes this water bottle filter work best. This water bottle filter works as a safe guard from possible irritants that could infect the sources of the water that we drink. The Sport Berkey Water Purifier is generally very basic to use against those dangerous toxins that threaten our health.

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