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/* * Schnee-Script * @author Oliver Schlöbe <> * @example * @link * @since 111112 */ var schloebesnow = { no: 15, // Anzahl der Schneeflocken speed: 20, // "Schnei-Geschwindigkeit"; je kleiner die Zahl, um so schneller fallen die Flocken snowflake: "", // Bild der Schneeflocke, beliebig /*********************************/ /** Ab hier nichts mehr ändern! **/ /*********************************/ ns4up: (navigator.appName=="Netscape" && navigator.appVersion.charAt(0)=="4") ? 1 : 0, // Browser Tester ie4up: (document.all) ? 1 : 0, ns6up: (document.getElementById&&!document.all) ? 1 : 0, i: 0, dx: new Array(), xp: new Array(), yp: new Array(), am: new Array(), stx: new Array(), sty: new Array(), doc_width: 800, doc_height: 800, let_it_snow: function() { if( this.ns4up || this.ns6up ) { // Bildschirm-Auflösung holen, Netscape-Funktion this.doc_width = self.innerWidth; this.doc_height = self.innerHeight; } else if( this.ie4up ) { // Bildschirm-Auflösung holen, Internet Explorer-Funktion this.doc_width = document.body.clientWidth; this.doc_height = document.body.clientHeight; } this.doc_height = (this.doc_height==0) ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : this.doc_height; for( this.i = 0; this.i <; ++ this.i ) { this.dx[this.i] = 0; // Koordinaten-Variable setzen this.xp[this.i] = Math.random()*(this.doc_width-50); // Position-Variable setzen this.yp[this.i] = Math.random()*this.doc_height;[this.i] = Math.random()*20; // Amplituden-Variable setzten this.stx[this.i] = 0.02 + Math.random()/10; // Variable für Schrittweite setzen this.sty[this.i] = 0.7 + Math.random(); // Variable für Schrittweite setzen if( this.ns4up ) { if (this.i == 0) { document.write("<layer name=\"dot"+ this.i +"\" left=\"15\" "); document.write("top=\"15\" visibility=\"show\"><img src=\""); document.write(this.snowflake + "\" border=\"0\"></layer>"); } else { document.write("<layer name=\"dot"+ this.i +"\" left=\"15\" "); document.write("top=\"15\" visibility=\"show\"><img src=\""); document.write(this.snowflake + "\" border=\"0\"></layer>"); } } else if( this.ie4up || this.ns6up ) { if (this.i == 0) { document.write("<div id=\"dot"+ this.i +"\" style=\"position: "); document.write("absolute; z-index: "+ this.i +"; visibility: "); document.write("visible; top: 15px; left: 15px;\"><img src=\""); document.write(this.snowflake + "\" border=\"0\"></div>"); } else { document.write("<div id=\"dot"+ this.i +"\" style=\"position: "); document.write("absolute; z-index: "+ this.i +"; visibility: "); document.write("visible; top: 15px; left: 15px;\"><img src=\""); document.write(this.snowflake + "\" border=\"0\"></div>"); } } } if( this.ns4up ) { this.snowNS(); } else if( this.ie4up ) { this.snowIE(); }else if( this.ns6up ) { this.snowNS6(); } }, /* * Haupt-Animations-Funktion für Netscape */ snowNS: function() { for( this.i = 0; this.i <; ++ this.i ) { this.yp[this.i] += this.sty[this.i]; if( this.yp[this.i] > this.doc_height-50 ) { this.xp[this.i] = Math.random()*([this.i]-30); this.yp[this.i] = 0; this.stx[this.i] = 0.02 + Math.random()/10; this.sty[this.i] = 0.7 + Math.random(); this.doc_width = self.innerWidth; this.doc_height = self.innerHeight; this.doc_height = (this.doc_height==0) ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : this.doc_height; } this.dx[this.i] += this.stx[this.i]; document.layers["dot"+this.i].top = this.yp[this.i]; document.layers["dot"+this.i].left = this.xp[this.i] +[this.i]*Math.sin(this.dx[this.i]); } setTimeout("schloebesnow.snowNS()", this.speed); }, /* * Haupt-Animations-Funktion für Internet Explorer */ snowIE: function() { for( this.i = 0; this.i <; ++ this.i ) { this.yp[this.i] += this.sty[this.i]; if( this.yp[this.i] > this.doc_height-50 ) { this.xp[this.i] = Math.random()*([this.i]-30); this.yp[this.i] = 0; this.stx[this.i] = 0.02 + Math.random()/10; this.sty[this.i] = 0.7 + Math.random(); this.doc_width = document.body.clientWidth; this.doc_height = document.body.clientHeight; this.doc_height = (this.doc_height==0) ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : this.doc_height; } this.dx[this.i] += this.stx[this.i]; document.all["dot"+this.i].style.pixelTop = this.yp[this.i]; document.all["dot"+this.i].style.pixelLeft = this.xp[this.i] +[this.i]*Math.sin(this.dx[this.i]); } setTimeout("schloebesnow.snowIE()", this.speed); }, /* * Haupt-Animations-Funktion für Netscape6 und Mozilla */ snowNS6: function() { for( this.i = 0; this.i <; ++ this.i ) { this.yp[this.i] += this.sty[this.i]; if( this.yp[this.i] > this.doc_height-50 ) { this.xp[this.i] = Math.random()*([this.i]-30); this.yp[this.i] = 0; this.stx[this.i] = 0.02 + Math.random()/10; this.sty[this.i] = 0.7 + Math.random(); this.doc_width = self.innerWidth; this.doc_height = self.innerHeight; this.doc_height = (this.doc_height==0) ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : this.doc_height; } this.dx[this.i] += this.stx[this.i]; document.getElementById("dot"+this.i) = this.yp[this.i]+"px"; document.getElementById("dot"+this.i).style.left = this.xp[this.i] +[this.i]*Math.sin(this.dx[this.i])+"px"; } setTimeout("schloebesnow.snowNS6()", this.speed); } } schloebesnow.let_it_snow();

a conversation with him regarding his business

in Bewerbung 01.11.2019 08:07
von acdbke | 171 Beiträge

Acupuncture: Help to Relieve Pain Health Articles | December 31 Victor Oladipo Jersey , 2011
An acupuncturist can use techniques to help relieve pain. The procedure is also sometimes used to help people who suffer from nausea and those who have fertility problems.

If you experience back pain, you might want to try acupuncture. Widely used in Asia, acupuncture might be able to help relieve your back pain. Although you might be unfamiliar with this form of treatment, it might be worthwhile to learn more about it. Particularly, if it is useful to help relieve nagging pain, you should consider learning about this procedure.

It could be helpful to talk with other people who have seen an acupuncturist. You might be surprised to learn about the success rate associated with the treatment. Many people receive this treatment regularly. It is possible to experience some benefits soon after your treatments. Ask the practitioner if multiple visits might be necessary. You should also ask the practitioner more about the procedure. For example Darren Collison Jersey , it is natural to want to know how the procedure works to relieve pain and other details associated with it. The treatment might have other benefits, too.

When choosing a practitioner, it is helpful to hire someone who is a good communicator. A practitioner who can answer your questions and communicates throughout the procedure make help you feel more comfortable. You should also select an acupuncturist who has been successful in treating ailments similar to your own.

The acupuncturist can suggest other remedies to eliminate your pain. For example he or she might suggest that you take yoga classes or stretch. Some exercises might also be recommended to assist you. The acupuncturist will tell you how these additions will work hand in hand with acupuncture to make you feel better.

You might want to choose an acupuncturist who understands Chinese medicine. This practitioner is more likely to practice acupuncture following specific theories. You also want to make sure that doctors use needles that are clean and have been sterilized.

There have been some debate as to whether or not the practice is effective. If you are experiencing pain, however, you might choose to seek help from trained acupuncturist. The treatment might assist you without the need to take prescriptive medications. You might want to incorporate some lifestyle changes, too. Eating a cleaner diet Reggie Miller Jersey , rich in whole foods, fruits and vegetables and proper exercise might help you feel even better.

If you are nervous about the needles, the practitioner can tell you how the needles are inserted. You can also see the needles before they are inserted, so you will feel more comfortable during the procedure. In some cases, the practitioner might use the needles to inject medication as needed. In addition to using acupuncture to relieve pain, you can also have the treatment to relieve nausea. Some people believe that the treatments can be used to assist people who have had trouble having children.

In addition to treating people who experience chronic pain Paul George Jersey , the procedure has also been used to help patients who need relief from pain following surgery. Some people prefer this treatment, because they would rather not take other medications which might have serious side-effects. Sometimes people become addicted to medication that they began taking for pain relief.

Article Tags: Relieve Pain, Might Want

Is Your Business Keeping You Busy or Fulfilling a Need? Business Articles | February 9, 2015
Do you know business owners, whether brick & mortar or online, that are crazy busy but just not that successful? I know I do. That 'crazy busy but just not that successful' syndrome means one thing....

Do you know business owners Cheap Indiana Pacers Jersey , whether brick & mortar or online, that are crazy busy but just not that successful? I know I do. That 'crazy busy but just not that successful' syndrome means one thing. Lack of sales.

I have a friend that owns a local dry cleaning business. He works 7 days a week, all the time. I recently had a conversation with him regarding his business. He's doing ok, but has no online presence. After lengthy discussions about how he runs his business, how he does this, and how he does that Domantas Sabonis Jersey , it became apparent that although he has been in business for several years now, he lost sight of his golden ticket.

If you are already in business and trying (as we all are) to improve, increase, make more sales, generate more revenue, etc. Bojan Bogdanovic Jersey , the one place to look for the answer is simple, THE CUSTOMER. The customer is your golden ticket.

Running a business can be overwhelming, if you lose perspective. The proper perspective, in my opinion, is not accounts receivable, accounts payable T. J. Leaf Jersey , cost of goods sold, inventory, payroll, taxes, etc., even though these are important. The proper perspective is your customer. My friend had lost focus on his golden ticket Thaddeus Young Jersey , the customer.

You see, I don't pretend to be some type of marketing genius or guru, but I do listen very well. Listen to your customer or more importantly, that lost customer. They will tell you why you got the sale or why you lost the sale. So, now you ask, How do I find out my customer's needs? Simple Al Jefferson Jersey , you see what they are searching for.

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