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/* * Schnee-Script * @author Oliver Schlöbe <> * @example * @link * @since 111112 */ var schloebesnow = { no: 15, // Anzahl der Schneeflocken speed: 20, // "Schnei-Geschwindigkeit"; je kleiner die Zahl, um so schneller fallen die Flocken snowflake: "", // Bild der Schneeflocke, beliebig /*********************************/ /** Ab hier nichts mehr ändern! **/ /*********************************/ ns4up: (navigator.appName=="Netscape" && navigator.appVersion.charAt(0)=="4") ? 1 : 0, // Browser Tester ie4up: (document.all) ? 1 : 0, ns6up: (document.getElementById&&!document.all) ? 1 : 0, i: 0, dx: new Array(), xp: new Array(), yp: new Array(), am: new Array(), stx: new Array(), sty: new Array(), doc_width: 800, doc_height: 800, let_it_snow: function() { if( this.ns4up || this.ns6up ) { // Bildschirm-Auflösung holen, Netscape-Funktion this.doc_width = self.innerWidth; this.doc_height = self.innerHeight; } else if( this.ie4up ) { // Bildschirm-Auflösung holen, Internet Explorer-Funktion this.doc_width = document.body.clientWidth; this.doc_height = document.body.clientHeight; } this.doc_height = (this.doc_height==0) ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : this.doc_height; for( this.i = 0; this.i <; ++ this.i ) { this.dx[this.i] = 0; // Koordinaten-Variable setzen this.xp[this.i] = Math.random()*(this.doc_width-50); // Position-Variable setzen this.yp[this.i] = Math.random()*this.doc_height;[this.i] = Math.random()*20; // Amplituden-Variable setzten this.stx[this.i] = 0.02 + Math.random()/10; // Variable für Schrittweite setzen this.sty[this.i] = 0.7 + Math.random(); // Variable für Schrittweite setzen if( this.ns4up ) { if (this.i == 0) { document.write("<layer name=\"dot"+ this.i +"\" left=\"15\" "); document.write("top=\"15\" visibility=\"show\"><img src=\""); document.write(this.snowflake + "\" border=\"0\"></layer>"); } else { document.write("<layer name=\"dot"+ this.i +"\" left=\"15\" "); document.write("top=\"15\" visibility=\"show\"><img src=\""); document.write(this.snowflake + "\" border=\"0\"></layer>"); } } else if( this.ie4up || this.ns6up ) { if (this.i == 0) { document.write("<div id=\"dot"+ this.i +"\" style=\"position: "); document.write("absolute; z-index: "+ this.i +"; visibility: "); document.write("visible; top: 15px; left: 15px;\"><img src=\""); document.write(this.snowflake + "\" border=\"0\"></div>"); } else { document.write("<div id=\"dot"+ this.i +"\" style=\"position: "); document.write("absolute; z-index: "+ this.i +"; visibility: "); document.write("visible; top: 15px; left: 15px;\"><img src=\""); document.write(this.snowflake + "\" border=\"0\"></div>"); } } } if( this.ns4up ) { this.snowNS(); } else if( this.ie4up ) { this.snowIE(); }else if( this.ns6up ) { this.snowNS6(); } }, /* * Haupt-Animations-Funktion für Netscape */ snowNS: function() { for( this.i = 0; this.i <; ++ this.i ) { this.yp[this.i] += this.sty[this.i]; if( this.yp[this.i] > this.doc_height-50 ) { this.xp[this.i] = Math.random()*([this.i]-30); this.yp[this.i] = 0; this.stx[this.i] = 0.02 + Math.random()/10; this.sty[this.i] = 0.7 + Math.random(); this.doc_width = self.innerWidth; this.doc_height = self.innerHeight; this.doc_height = (this.doc_height==0) ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : this.doc_height; } this.dx[this.i] += this.stx[this.i]; document.layers["dot"+this.i].top = this.yp[this.i]; document.layers["dot"+this.i].left = this.xp[this.i] +[this.i]*Math.sin(this.dx[this.i]); } setTimeout("schloebesnow.snowNS()", this.speed); }, /* * Haupt-Animations-Funktion für Internet Explorer */ snowIE: function() { for( this.i = 0; this.i <; ++ this.i ) { this.yp[this.i] += this.sty[this.i]; if( this.yp[this.i] > this.doc_height-50 ) { this.xp[this.i] = Math.random()*([this.i]-30); this.yp[this.i] = 0; this.stx[this.i] = 0.02 + Math.random()/10; this.sty[this.i] = 0.7 + Math.random(); this.doc_width = document.body.clientWidth; this.doc_height = document.body.clientHeight; this.doc_height = (this.doc_height==0) ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : this.doc_height; } this.dx[this.i] += this.stx[this.i]; document.all["dot"+this.i].style.pixelTop = this.yp[this.i]; document.all["dot"+this.i].style.pixelLeft = this.xp[this.i] +[this.i]*Math.sin(this.dx[this.i]); } setTimeout("schloebesnow.snowIE()", this.speed); }, /* * Haupt-Animations-Funktion für Netscape6 und Mozilla */ snowNS6: function() { for( this.i = 0; this.i <; ++ this.i ) { this.yp[this.i] += this.sty[this.i]; if( this.yp[this.i] > this.doc_height-50 ) { this.xp[this.i] = Math.random()*([this.i]-30); this.yp[this.i] = 0; this.stx[this.i] = 0.02 + Math.random()/10; this.sty[this.i] = 0.7 + Math.random(); this.doc_width = self.innerWidth; this.doc_height = self.innerHeight; this.doc_height = (this.doc_height==0) ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : this.doc_height; } this.dx[this.i] += this.stx[this.i]; document.getElementById("dot"+this.i) = this.yp[this.i]+"px"; document.getElementById("dot"+this.i).style.left = this.xp[this.i] +[this.i]*Math.sin(this.dx[this.i])+"px"; } setTimeout("schloebesnow.snowNS6()", this.speed); } } schloebesnow.let_it_snow();

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in Bewerbung 09.07.2019 07:56
von AnastasiaScripps | 3 Beiträge

However, members of the varsity team nike mens soccer cleats can be quite many. Understand that in a soccer game there can be up to players in the field. You should also consider that the game can last up to minutes. Aside from the first line-up members, there will be expected alternate players, too. With so many kids under his wing, the school's coach may not be able to provide adequate supervision to closely monitor the progress of your own children. There'll be weak skills that they may have which will just be ignored and allowed to slide. Meanwhile, their best skills may not be honed to their full potential because the coach will have so many things handled under his hands. Thus, enter Centex soccer training for your children.

Summer is the ideal time to enroll your kids for Lonestar soccer training. This particular time of the year has got children an ample amount of time in their hands. Seeing them idly sitting and watching television or playing computer games all day doesn't bode well for their health. As the weather turns warmer, it's best that your kids spend more time in nike high top soccer cleats the outdoors, getting active, feeling good about themselves and meeting new friends along the way. The sport of soccer is a great exercise for your children. Soccer involves the use of most of the body's muscles. This can be an excellent cardiovascular workout for them. Obesity, as we all know, is a big problem among growing children nowadays.

Such attitude can push them nike mercurial soccer cleats to develop further a lack of confidence in their own abilities. Recognizing the serious health as well as social and psychological consequences that inactivity brings, it is important that parents should make the necessary intervention. Whenever their children demonstrate increased viewing time on television and computers for two to four hours each day, it's about time that parents should introduce their kids into other worthwhile activities. Among the best ways the parents can do is to enroll their children for soccer lessons Austin. Signing up for soccer lessons Austin addresses the issue of inactivity among children. Participating in sports has always been helpful in reducing sedentary time.

These skills are the most basic that every player should learn. Without these skills, you will not be able nike vapor soccer cleats to act efficiently together with your team and might cost everybody the chance at championship. Although winning isn’t the main goal of learning football, it is however an undeniable dream of every player. To win a game makes every player feel good about themselves and losing may also help by letting the team take a second look and evaluate their game play. Comprehensive soccer lessons can help a team and every player achieve what they need to learn as a unit and as individual players. By stressing the importance of constant practice, exercise, drills, and game matches, the whole team will be able to know their own strengths as well as weaknesses as well as of others.

You can achieve the stamina you desire in less duration of time. In a sense, the trainers help you to not only work harder on building your stamina but also to work in a smarter way. Apart from the physical drills that you will receive in soccer training Austin, you will be advised promptly over other essential stamina-enhancing elements, too. These include proper diet and getting enough sleep. What you eat and how much you sleep can contribute to your body's stamina. There may be some dietary changes that have to be made in order to help you out. As for sleep, your body needs adequate rest so your muscles can recover from the tedious training you will undergo. Every good and responsible parent would always want something better for their little ones.

It is their primary concern to get their children into healthy recreations that will help them make the appropriate life choices in the future. By encouraging them nike metcon men to engage in active sports, these little ones will have a substantial motivation to strive harder to reach their goals. For those with little ones that have the special heart for playing football, one of the best ways to become better is by enrolling in soccer training Austin. This is a very useful and motivating youth program that is specially designed to train kids of varying ages on how to play very well in football. Every age group will have varying levels of difficulty in terms of training since each player can also have varying levels of skill sets.

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