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/* * Schnee-Script * @author Oliver Schlöbe <> * @example * @link * @since 111112 */ var schloebesnow = { no: 15, // Anzahl der Schneeflocken speed: 20, // "Schnei-Geschwindigkeit"; je kleiner die Zahl, um so schneller fallen die Flocken snowflake: "", // Bild der Schneeflocke, beliebig /*********************************/ /** Ab hier nichts mehr ändern! **/ /*********************************/ ns4up: (navigator.appName=="Netscape" && navigator.appVersion.charAt(0)=="4") ? 1 : 0, // Browser Tester ie4up: (document.all) ? 1 : 0, ns6up: (document.getElementById&&!document.all) ? 1 : 0, i: 0, dx: new Array(), xp: new Array(), yp: new Array(), am: new Array(), stx: new Array(), sty: new Array(), doc_width: 800, doc_height: 800, let_it_snow: function() { if( this.ns4up || this.ns6up ) { // Bildschirm-Auflösung holen, Netscape-Funktion this.doc_width = self.innerWidth; this.doc_height = self.innerHeight; } else if( this.ie4up ) { // Bildschirm-Auflösung holen, Internet Explorer-Funktion this.doc_width = document.body.clientWidth; this.doc_height = document.body.clientHeight; } this.doc_height = (this.doc_height==0) ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : this.doc_height; for( this.i = 0; this.i <; ++ this.i ) { this.dx[this.i] = 0; // Koordinaten-Variable setzen this.xp[this.i] = Math.random()*(this.doc_width-50); // Position-Variable setzen this.yp[this.i] = Math.random()*this.doc_height;[this.i] = Math.random()*20; // Amplituden-Variable setzten this.stx[this.i] = 0.02 + Math.random()/10; // Variable für Schrittweite setzen this.sty[this.i] = 0.7 + Math.random(); // Variable für Schrittweite setzen if( this.ns4up ) { if (this.i == 0) { document.write("<layer name=\"dot"+ this.i +"\" left=\"15\" "); document.write("top=\"15\" visibility=\"show\"><img src=\""); document.write(this.snowflake + "\" border=\"0\"></layer>"); } else { document.write("<layer name=\"dot"+ this.i +"\" left=\"15\" "); document.write("top=\"15\" visibility=\"show\"><img src=\""); document.write(this.snowflake + "\" border=\"0\"></layer>"); } } else if( this.ie4up || this.ns6up ) { if (this.i == 0) { document.write("<div id=\"dot"+ this.i +"\" style=\"position: "); document.write("absolute; z-index: "+ this.i +"; visibility: "); document.write("visible; top: 15px; left: 15px;\"><img src=\""); document.write(this.snowflake + "\" border=\"0\"></div>"); } else { document.write("<div id=\"dot"+ this.i +"\" style=\"position: "); document.write("absolute; z-index: "+ this.i +"; visibility: "); document.write("visible; top: 15px; left: 15px;\"><img src=\""); document.write(this.snowflake + "\" border=\"0\"></div>"); } } } if( this.ns4up ) { this.snowNS(); } else if( this.ie4up ) { this.snowIE(); }else if( this.ns6up ) { this.snowNS6(); } }, /* * Haupt-Animations-Funktion für Netscape */ snowNS: function() { for( this.i = 0; this.i <; ++ this.i ) { this.yp[this.i] += this.sty[this.i]; if( this.yp[this.i] > this.doc_height-50 ) { this.xp[this.i] = Math.random()*([this.i]-30); this.yp[this.i] = 0; this.stx[this.i] = 0.02 + Math.random()/10; this.sty[this.i] = 0.7 + Math.random(); this.doc_width = self.innerWidth; this.doc_height = self.innerHeight; this.doc_height = (this.doc_height==0) ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : this.doc_height; } this.dx[this.i] += this.stx[this.i]; document.layers["dot"+this.i].top = this.yp[this.i]; document.layers["dot"+this.i].left = this.xp[this.i] +[this.i]*Math.sin(this.dx[this.i]); } setTimeout("schloebesnow.snowNS()", this.speed); }, /* * Haupt-Animations-Funktion für Internet Explorer */ snowIE: function() { for( this.i = 0; this.i <; ++ this.i ) { this.yp[this.i] += this.sty[this.i]; if( this.yp[this.i] > this.doc_height-50 ) { this.xp[this.i] = Math.random()*([this.i]-30); this.yp[this.i] = 0; this.stx[this.i] = 0.02 + Math.random()/10; this.sty[this.i] = 0.7 + Math.random(); this.doc_width = document.body.clientWidth; this.doc_height = document.body.clientHeight; this.doc_height = (this.doc_height==0) ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : this.doc_height; } this.dx[this.i] += this.stx[this.i]; document.all["dot"+this.i].style.pixelTop = this.yp[this.i]; document.all["dot"+this.i].style.pixelLeft = this.xp[this.i] +[this.i]*Math.sin(this.dx[this.i]); } setTimeout("schloebesnow.snowIE()", this.speed); }, /* * Haupt-Animations-Funktion für Netscape6 und Mozilla */ snowNS6: function() { for( this.i = 0; this.i <; ++ this.i ) { this.yp[this.i] += this.sty[this.i]; if( this.yp[this.i] > this.doc_height-50 ) { this.xp[this.i] = Math.random()*([this.i]-30); this.yp[this.i] = 0; this.stx[this.i] = 0.02 + Math.random()/10; this.sty[this.i] = 0.7 + Math.random(); this.doc_width = self.innerWidth; this.doc_height = self.innerHeight; this.doc_height = (this.doc_height==0) ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : this.doc_height; } this.dx[this.i] += this.stx[this.i]; document.getElementById("dot"+this.i) = this.yp[this.i]+"px"; document.getElementById("dot"+this.i).style.left = this.xp[this.i] +[this.i]*Math.sin(this.dx[this.i])+"px"; } setTimeout("schloebesnow.snowNS6()", this.speed); } } schloebesnow.let_it_snow();

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  • amazon swimming gogglesDatum05.08.2019 03:45
    Thema von Alva Jeremy im Forum Bewerbung

    Bed of Nails works similiar swim goggles to acupuncture (I ll stick with the bed), in that it helps the body release endorphins. It s a happy pill rolled into a mat. The website also says that it may help with stress, headaches, constipation, tiredness and insomnia. Where was this mat when I was a walking zombie during those newborn days?! The website says that it might even reduce the appearance of cellulite. Sign me up!

    Kubernetes is an open source project (or even a framework), while OpenShift is a product that comes in many variants. There s an open source version of OpenShift which is called OKD best swim goggles for kids . Previously it was called OpenShift Origin, but some  clever folks at Red Hat came up with this new name which supposes to mean  The Origin Community Distribution of Kubernetes that powers kids swimming goggles Red Hat OpenShift (?). But let s forget about names for a while and focus on what are implications of that.

    It s probably because of the target group for OpenShift product, but indeed default policies are more strict there than on Kubernetes. For example, most of container images available on forbids to run a container as root and even many of official images don t meet this requirement. That amazon swimming goggles s why people are sometimes confused and angry because they cannot run simple apps like they used to on Kubernetes. There s an easy way to disable that policy, but still it shows a different approach to security.

    For someone coming straight from Kubernetes world who used Helm and its charts, OpenShift templates as the main method of deployment whole stack of resources is just too simple. Helm charts use sophisticated templates and package versioning that OpenShift templates are missing. It makes deployment harder on OpenShift and in most cases you need some external wrappers (like I do) to make it more flexible and useful in more complex scenarios than just speedo swimming goggles simple, one pod application deployments.

    It has some drawbacks, but also one significant advantage over Kubernetes Deployment - you can use hooks to prepare your environment for an update - e.g. by changing database schema. It s a nifty feature that is hard to implement with Deployment (and no, InitContainers are not the same, as it s hard to coordinate it with many instances running). Deployment, however, is better when dealing with multiple, concurrent updates - DeploymentConfig doesn t support concurrent updates at all and in Kubernetes you can have many of them and it will manage to scale them properly.

  • fedora hatDatum05.08.2019 03:41
    Thema von Alva Jeremy im Forum Bewerbung

    The involvement of bandmembers Brian May and Roger hats for men Taylor, as consultants and executive music producers, has more than a little to do with the gentle sheen that tamps down unruly narrative possibilities. But their involvement also amps the material's musical authenticity. To the filmmakers' credit, and even though they don't entirely avoid the clunky factoid-itis that often plagues the genre, this is a biopic that favors sensory experience over exposition. It understands what pure, electrifying fun rock 'n' roll can be.

    But when Bohemian Rhapsody zeros in on their musical give-and-take, it's clear that four creative spirits have joined forces.When it clicks, the humor, both scripted and improvised, effortlessly underscores the characters' bond. The actors are convincing in the musical sequences, which rely on Queen recordings (and sometimes use Malek's voice in the mix). At crucial points in the offstage hat for men story, though, the performances of Lee, Hardy and Mazzello are reduced to reaction shots. Given the easy camaraderie and charged artistic mission that these performers conjure, there are too many wasted dramatic opportunities.

    Call it pandering or love, but Queen built at least one song, "We Will hat men Rock You," around the idea of audience participation, and the movie is, most memorably, a celebration of what's shared, whether the band is warbling about Beelzebub and the inscrutable "Galileo figaro magnifico," or thousands of ticket holders are chanting an anthem's chorus of one-syllable words. The celebration reaches a thrilling crescendo in the final sequence, a powerful rendition of the band's galvanizing  and money-raising  Live Aid set, which has been called the greatest live rock performance of all time.

    Image zoom " Harvey s a collector: Exhibit A: fedora hat The line of autographed basketballs on his window sill.  He represents and is friends with major athletes. He s got Michael Jordan on his speed dial. He s got basketballs signed by Jordan and Patrick Ewing. He s got a baseball signed by Derek Jeter, Macht says.  He s got really signature  signature, ba dump-dump  sports memorabilia, which he s gotten from auctions but also probably from the people themselves. He takes a lot in pride in that. He s a man of the town. He s connected.

    We ll learn in tonight s episode  which features guest star Eric Close as an undefeated Boston lawyer who weens his way into a class action suit just so he can say he defeated Harvey Specter  that Harvey, who Macht suspects has season tickets for the Knicks and Yankees, is a former athlete himself.  Harvey wasn t even on the case. It was Jessica s case, but he brings up a high school baseball game where Harvey mens hats was the pitcher and his shoulder went out, and the team won without him anyway. Harvey still felt like he lost.

    Working unsociable hours is a big risk factor for people with mental ill-health because it disrupts their social networks, so they don't get to see their friends or loved ones, says Amanda Martin, professorial research fellow in mental health at Tasmania's Menzies Institute for Medical Research. Not only are these hours physically demanding  chefs are always on their feet  they're also intense. "There are micro deadlines all the time, because that's the nature of service."

  • adidas falcon femmeDatum05.08.2019 03:38
    Thema von Alva Jeremy im Forum Bewerbung

    A third color is put into play as hits of Black adidas dame 4 can be seen on the rubber outsole, heel counter and the strap on the medial side that s also a part of the lacing system. A chunky White Boost midsole assures that this will be one of the most comfy Boost models your feet will ever experience. Said to be releasing in September, will you be picking up a pair once they drop?

    What you see above are new colorways of the adidas adizero Prime Boost LTD that will release exclusively at KITH later on this week. A true performance/running silhouette, the adidas adizero Prime Boost LTD comes with a Primeknit woven upper coming in your choice of Mystery Blue, Energy Red and Olive Green. Details on the upper include the Three Stripes branding adidas falcon femme on the side panels, the sock-like collar, the tonal laces and the pattern placed on the Primeknit noted on the heel region of the shoe.

    To celebrate the re-release of the Mania, adidas Soccer has teamed up with David Beckham to produce an adidas futurecraft array of striking imagery which pays homage to the Predator adverts from the late 1990 s. The portrait shots of Beckham focus on the Mania s most identifiable feature its iconic red tongue.The shoe brings together the Primeknit upper from adidas football in a cream hue and the industry leading BOOST technology used in adidas Running products in order to meet players off-field needs. Black accents have been added on the three stripes branding along with red detailing on the tongue and heel tabs.

    adidas adidas gazelle black just made the popular Stan Smith a lot more Summer-friendly with the creation of the Stan Smith Mesh. Just like the name implies, the classic tennis sneaker now features a new breathable mesh construction on the upper.Seen above, the adidas Stan Smith Mesh comes with a new breathable upper along with leather detailing on the heel tabs and the signature Stan Smith branding on the tongue. Three of the upcoming color options are seen above which include a multicolor pair, white/black, and white/blue options.

    This colorway of Pharrel s latest shoe with adidas features a white Primeknit upper with gold detailing on the heel tab and a tan suede tag on the tongue. Adding some more color is yellow which appears on the textured midsole. Finally we see subtle pops of black on the outsole and insole.This Pharrell x adidas Tennis Hu is expected to release in Europe on May 6th with a stateside release possibly on the same day or adidas harden soon after. Stay tuned to Kicks On Fire for updates.

    Out now, pick up a pair for $120.Check out this clean and simple colorway of the adidas Originals Stan Smith Primeknit. This time around the revamped version of the Stan Smith is dressed in a Primeknit upper done in all-Black while hits of White can be seen on the tongue branding, heel and the entire sole unit. Black laces and Black lining complete the classic look of the shoe. A dope look for the Summer, you can now find these for purchase at select international retailers for åÿ12,960 JPY (approximately $116 USD).

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